Pictures of much randomness


I may be stuck in a 1915 era “house” for work now, but we have one hell of a view:

From T-30 and Envi…

Too bad there’s a cliff in the way of the beach 😉

But we can see birdies and rocks and the occasional whale and dolphins…

From T-30 and Envi…

Also, the latest status on the old building demolition:

From Goodbye T-3

Someone at SIO, a student I guess, has started up a knitting group at lunch on Thursdays. I’m muchly pleased, since Anna’s apt has become a yarn-free zone :-p



Steph took me out shopping for all the multitudes of weddings I’m attending this year (I plan ahead. So sue me.) Lookee what I found! Whee!

From Random



I got me plates!

EDIT: Hmm, where are the screws for the front plate? It’s got a plastic doodad on the car to attach the plate to, but no method of plate-attachment. Is it legal to drive with only one plate? I think I will leave my temporary registration up just in case.

Wheee, calligraphy


I went to Michael’s this evening (the store, not the boyfriend) and picked up a small set of calligraphy markers and some calligraphy parchment. I was inspired by the DVDs in my Arabic book, where they show this guy murmbling things I don’t understand (yet. I assume he’s saying like “Next, we’re going to draw the letter blah! One more time!”) and he has this super cool calligraphy marker. I was like, hey, I could do that.

So I bought some markers. And I totally can.

From Random

Not too shabby for the first try! The top letters started as “baa”, one of the letters, and then “baab”-door, and then I added some random short vowels to try a smaller marker. The rest of it is the alphabet, mostly in order 😉

Well, I love my car


Apparently, everyone and everything else (eg. bolts) is out to get it.

From Random

I found these lovely “I ran into your car and drove away and didn’t leave a note” scratches this morning, presumably from last night when Mike and I were at Il Fornaio in Del Mar. I presume this, because there’s a mark on the tire, too, that didn’t line up this morning, hence it couldn’t have been last night in the garage (also, I’m parked next to a pole here).